zondag 30 september 2012

Sea coral.

Today in the zoo I saw that beautiful sea coral, and I thought: The sea is still really special! I always knew already how the sea of course looked haha. But today I have seen beautiful things and so I photographed it, as a reminder but also to let you see how beautiful it is. Look at all that beautiful coral and all those other things. I am very happy with the pictures of the sea, fish and all other animals and things that I've photographed today. Today I had the time of my life really.
I hope you're as happy with the result as I am.
And I'll be with the other pictures of today. maybe today, maybe tomorrow.

Cool tentacles

Look at this beautiful sea star.
those amazing tentacles, so beautiful so cool !
I sure will show you more of what I have seen today.

Amazing fishes.

I couldn't wait for tomorrow for showing more pictures of my trip today to the zoo.
So I decided to post another post with amazing photos of beautiful fishes who are living in the sea.
They are so amazing and colorful and I am so happy with the results of these photos !
I really like the clown fish, NEMO! It's so cute and little and awesome hihi.
Hope you guys like it too.

Colorful frog.

Today I went to the zoo !
I had such a great time, it's so awesome to see all of those different animals !
so I have a lot of pictures of every animal.
So I saw those beautiful frogs!!
It's so awesome to see all those colors and it's just so beautiful!
Tomorrow I will post another pictures of other animals I have seen today.

donderdag 27 september 2012

Deer oh deer.

Yesterday evening I went to the farm and I saw some beautiful DEER

so I decided to make some pictures but it was dark so I didn't know if they where beautiful or not.

So today I have put them on my laptop and I saw these awesome photo's.

I really love the eyes of the deer they are so COLORFULL it's like a rainbow.

And the antlers of the stag looks so beautiful !

Hope you like it.

zaterdag 22 september 2012

Mother Nature.

Today I was a little bored at home after work,
so I decided ; I'm going to make some pictures.
So I made this pictured and I kind of like it anyways.
Half moon, pink roses, and a beautiful spider in his web.
its the mother nature, the world we live in.
hope you like it.

vrijdag 14 september 2012


Less more than a week ago I shooted Ilona, a friend for her own blog. 
 I am her photographer for her own blog 'Lovely Noah'.
So I also show them on my own blog to you because I take them.
I will show you much more but this is just the first shoot in these days.

Friends with same passion.


Last night I was with a great friend, 
He's my friend for 2 years now and we both love taking pictures.
We always shoot photos togheter of each other, 
It's just our passion!
so yesterday I shooted some pictures of him.
hope you guys like it!

dinsdag 4 september 2012

Backyard flowers.


Its still summer so there are beautiful flowers everywhere you see,
so in my backyard it looks like a floweryard I love it ! 
they are so gorgeous !
I was bored so I thought I make some pictures.
Hope you like it.


Hello Dog.


This is a beautiful picture of a friend's dog,
hope you like it ! 


Amazing water


A few days ago I was in Eindhoven
thats a town in the Netherlands 
I was there because a friend of my lives there.

So we went to the city and I saw this beautiful amazing water ! 
it's really cool to see how artfull water is !

Big kiss,