maandag 1 oktober 2012

Quick but awesome.



Today was a hectic day.
First I had to go to the doctor, I had 9:30 in the morning while I make an appointment at 1 am to start of school.

Arriving at school I was already tired before I started with the lesson.
After weeks of not having to sleep and go to bed late, in short just can not relax. Chops it in and I'm dead from fatigue.

After an hour Flamenco dance lessons and 1.5 hours classical ballet lesson I was completely broken.
With luck was the last half hour of the 1.5 hour lesson from modern.

5 o'clock in the afternoon of school, racing home, clothes, quick snack supper and then directly at me dance in my own village.

But in between I have just taken quick some pictures from Ilona can make her own blog, and of course for mine lol.
It was a quick shoot but there are beautiful pictures become.

Now I've just come home from my dance school in my village, and finally I lie in my familiar bed.
Seeking some sleep because tomorrow I have to be fit enough to be in school.

Hope you find the pictures beautiful and I wish everyone a good night's sleep.
tomorrow I post again some wonderfull pictures of my experience and fun time at the zoo yesterday.
Can not wait!

Good night.

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